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Hi, I'm Elisa. 

I am  Chalk Couture Independent Designer in rural, small town Saskatchewan. 

I am a stay at home mom of 4 crazy, busy, fun and wondrous children and my husband farms full time in our great little community.

Previous to deciding that being a staying at home with the kids was the best decision for our family, I worked with a promotional products company and also had worked as a dog groomer which was great!  Who wouldn't want to hang out with fluffy puppies all day long?


After a while of being a stay at home mom I found I needed something for myself.  I rediscovered that I love art and being creative!  I started painting and this became my little break (when the kids would allow) and I love it. 

With me being me, I needed something else. 

I needed something I could really dive into and would be passionate about.  Something that gave me the flexibility my family required and something that didn't feel like a job, but would give me some extra income and would give me some much needed adult interaction and socialization! 
I was working on the idea of if you're going to do something, find something you love and it will never feel like work. 

Along came Chalk Couture and when we found each other, it was like love at first sight.  It has everything I was looking for,  it is full of creativity, new possibilities and most of all, fun! 


With the need to be creative a huge part of my life, I can now use Chalk Couture to bring that creativity and beauty into the homes of others!


This small town girl has big plans!

Meet Elisa: About
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