Joining Chalk Couture , a direct sales company has been a whole new world to me, so its easy to say I've been in crash course mode for a while.
The newest thing that I have been learning about in the last month and working on is #FacebookParties.
If I'm going to be honest again, when I first heard of these a while back, I was underwhelmed and unimpressed. I didn't get it. I didn't understand the appeal or the work that went into them. I didn't understand how they were run, but I never gave them the chance either.
I'm sorry friends. To all who sent me invites to parties they were hosting and I completely ignored them, because I didn't get it. (#sosorry, I was rude)
I'm sorry to all the hard working friends and strangers who were running parties for for the hostess, trying to promote your business and share your awesome products. I didn't give you a chance. I should have.
Putting hours of work into building their parties. I get it now. I feel ya sista. (#directsales)
Why the hype?
Well, for all you #mommas out there, they don't require a babysitter that you have to pay (bye-bye shopping money) and you don't have to be "that mom", dragging you snot nosed little tyrants to a party where you would give anything to chug the bottle of spiced rum in front of you and remember what it was like before they invaded.....
(I'm allowed to say that - I have double the amount of kids in my house as there are adults.) #mommastired
At online parties, you can look at ALL the products, over and over and over again.
You can go through that catalog as many times as you want without Stacey staring over your shoulder or trying to flip the page on you.
(go away Stacey! you're in my bubble).
In my case, I'm trying to show you the awesome, that is Chalk Couture paste, ink, transfers and more.
I am fairly sure I know every product in that catalog and I STILL flip through the whole thing a solid dozen times a day.
As a #SAHM - I now understand them. I get it... I love it. I can host one, run one for you, be a guest to one with no additional arrangements needed. I can sit at home, at my table with my comfy clothes on and something to sip on beside me (currently #okanaganappleciders), Put the time in and enjoy it. No stress about dealing with my kids yelling in the background. I'm not running after them, yelling and waving my arms around, looking like a complete lunatic while trying to give you 100%. (#momlife, am I right?)
If I need to stop and make a peanut butter and jelly - I can do that. No sweat off my brow.
While it doesn't have the actual face to face full on conversations you get in the conventional home party or Make & Takes if you go that route with Chalk Couture, if you have the right hostess who knows the value of engaging the guests, it can still be fun and have a great amount of interacting with a great group of people (and really, after being a #SAHM for a time.... do you really even know how to have an adult conversation?)
While I am still fresh faced and baby new at Chalk Couture, I have very quickly discovered there are many great ways to run your own business and I am definitely adding Online parties to the list.
Believe in yourself and you will love what you do and you will be successful!
If you'd be interested in hosting an Online party with me, head to my Facebook Page or contact me!