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Writer's pictureelisasargent

Working From Home with Kids

Oh Man, I have come to a very serious conclusion lately. Having little sticky fingered kids running around the house while trying to work on something new is a lot harder than you would think... or hoped ... or naively imagined it would. #kidsarecrazy

I had the idea that I would start my business with Chalk Couture at home and it really wouldn't be that bad to get started and balance everything. I'm a #SAHM, I'm not going anywhere, I will just have fun creating and promoting great products while the kids played like little angels all day. Right?...... Right?

HAHAHA...... I was so silly.

After a small...ish melt down from my own frustration, I asked myself a couple of important questions.

1. Have I even met my kids?

2. What's free time?


In all seriousness, I knew when I decided to join Chalk Couture it wouldn't be a walk in the park, I didn't think it was going to be easy and YES, I expected it to take a lot of time and work to get things rolling and figured. I didn't expect to press a magic button and make a million. I was excited for the challenge and change in life and to try something new and out of my comfort zone where I had to put myself out there.

The first blog I wrote was about why I joined, you can read it HERE

What I DIDN'T account for was the neglect my home would take, how difficult it would be to work around crazy (but fun) and feral (yes, they are wild and spirited) kids and not take time away from time with them AND plan around their activities. #parenting

It's a balancing act I am not use to.

Meet the Feral littles

We are figuring it out slowly:

  • I now know to expect the speed demon of a baby to try and run off with my computer cord.

  • I now know to HIDE the pens, and markers, and highlighters.

  • I now know to NOT start something until I am 100% sure the baby is sleeping....

  • I now know to be patient if I want to start something and I'm not getting to it when I'd like - it's just one of those days, I will get to it, I just have to give it a little time.

It's all learning.

I am finding the best times of the day to work on different parts of my #ChalkCouture business and the best parts of the day to spend with the kids.

The house is still neglected, but It will always be there and the same, it can wait.

Despite the ups and small frustrations, this has been an amazing beginning and I am loving every second. Chalk Couture and their #DIY products have surpassed my expectations and my kids are even loving them too and are excited to help me and see all the new finished pieces and new orders. Its turning into a #family business that brings everyone some #happiness.

If you'd like to learn more about Chalk Couture click HERE or read my blog entry I wrote about why I think it's a great company and #oppurtunity HERE

If you have any questions or you would like to contact me for any reason, click HERE, I would love to hear from you!

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